Dr Yaseera Ismail graduated in 2011 with her Masters of Science degree Cum Laude based at the CSIR-National Laser Centre and obtained her PhD in 2015 in Physics on quantum communication from the University of KwaZulu-Natal. In 2017 she was appointed Lecturer of Physics within the School of Chemistry and Physics at the University of KwaZulu Natal, Westville Campus. In 2016 Dr Ismail was conferred a TechWomen Emerging Leader Award by the United States Department of States and in 2018 was chosen as an Ambassador of the Optical Society of America (OSA). Dr Ismail is currently part of the executive committee of the OSA Non-Linear Optics technical group, advisor to the UKZN OSA Student Chapter, an OSA Travelling Lecturer and is a member of the Editorial Board of the Scientific Reports Journal.
Dr Ismail specialises in the development of quantum technologies, particularly in the field of quantum information science. She is an experimentalist developing quantum optical tools for the advancement of free-space long-range secure quantum communication. Quantum information science is based on the notion that the manipulation of information is governed only by the laws of physics. Quantum information encapsulates two major disciplines, quantum computing and communication. Ultimately, the security of information lies in the development of quantum communication. One of the most advanced quantum information related technologies at present is Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) which is a process that involves transmitting a secret key between two individuals aimed at secure data transfer for longer periods. The most vital characteristic of such a method is that the laws of nature guarantee the secrecy of the generated key. Dr Ismail is also involved in the implementation of South Africa’s first cold atom experiments based on magneto-optical trapping.
ORCID: http://www.orcid.org/0000-0002-5580-0035
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.co.za/citations?user=3NlJvCgAAAAJ&hl=en
Awards, Recognitions and Committees
- 2011 to present: Golden Key Honours Society Member
- 2016: United States TechWomen Emerging Leader
- 2018: The Optical Society (OSA) Ambassador (Lifetime award)
- 2018 to present: The Optical Society (OSA) Travelling Lecturer
- 2019 to present: Editorial Board member for the Scientific Reports Journal
- 2019 to present: Quantum Technology pillar member within the UKZN Nanotechnology Platform
- 2019-2020: International Advisory Committee Member for the Optical Wireless Technologies Conference
- 2019 to present: OSA Non-Linear Optics Technical Group Executive Committee member
- 2020-2022: The Optical Society (OSA) Esther Hoffman Beller Medal Committee
Teaching Experience
- Phys131-Introduction to Physics for Life Sciences (2018 to 2020)
- Phys 242-Applied Physics: Introduction to Photonics and Electronics (2018 to 2020)
- Phys343-Instrumentation and Signal Processing which includes computational Intelligence and Machine learning (2020)
- Phys739: Advance topics in applied physics (2018 to 2020)
- Phys345-Topics in Applied Physics (2020)
Contact Details:
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville campus
School of Chemistry and Physics, Quantum Research Group
Durban, South Africa
H-Block, Room H03-084
Tel: +27 31 260 7905
Email: Ismaily@ukzn.ac..za