Maria is a researcher on a fractional appointment through the Big Data in Science and Society collaboration of UKZN’s Big Data & Informatics flagship.
Maria did her PhD (2017) as well as a Post-Doc (2018-2019) in the Quantum Research Group. She received her MSc degree in physics from the Technical University of Berlin, and holds a German “Diplom” degree in political science from the Free University of Berlin.
Maria’s scientific research is driven by the question of how quantum information processing can improve and extend methods in machine learning: How can we efficiently solve pattern recognition tasks on a quantum computer? What machine learning models can we develop from the working principles of quantum devices? Are there applications for near-term quantum technologies?
Furthermore, she is interested in the use of computation, AI and data mining to analyse and strengthen social cohesion in South Africa and around the globe, for example through interdisciplinary research, collaboration with municipal government and by growing local research communities.
ORCID-ID: 0000-0001-8626-168X
School of Chemistry and Physics
Westville Campus, H-Block Room 306
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Durban, 4001
Email: schuld@ukzn.ac.za