Dissipative quantum computing with open quantum walks
I Sinayskiy, F Petruccione
AIP Conference Proceedings 1633 (1), 186-188
3 | 2014 |
Quantum computing for pattern classification
M Schuld, I Sinayskiy, F Petruccione
Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 208-220
27 | 2014 |
Nonequilibrium-thermodynamics approach to open quantum systems
V Semin, F Petruccione
Physical Review A 90 (5), 052112
8 | 2014 |
The quest for a quantum neural network
M Schuld, I Sinayskiy, F Petruccione
Quantum Information Processing 13 (11), 2567-2586
120 | 2014 |
A Necessary Condition for the Security of Coherent-One-Way Quantum Key Distribution Protocol
M Mafu, A Marais, F Petruccione
Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences 8 (6), 2769
3 | 2014 |
Homogeneous open quantum walks on a line
RCF Caballar, I Sinayskiy, F Petruccione
Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas, SPP2014-1B-06
2014 | |
Fractional relaxations in photonic crystals
F Giraldi, F Petruccione
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47 (39), 395304
2 | 2014 |
Finite-key-size security of the Phoenix-Barnett-Chefles 2000 quantum-key-distribution protocol
M Mafu, K Garapo, F Petruccione
Physical Review A 90 (3), 032308
5 | 2014 |
Simulation of single-qubit open quantum systems
R Sweke, I Sinayskiy, F Petruccione
Physical Review A 90 (2), 022331
20 | 2014 |
Suitability of quantum cryptography for national facilities
A Mirza, M Senekane, F Petruccione, B van Niekerk
2014 Information Security for South Africa, 1-7
2014 | |
Stochastic Schrödinger equations for Markovian and non-Markovian cases
I Semina, V Semin, F Petruccione, A Barchielli
Open Systems & Information Dynamics 21 (01n02), 1440008
10 | 2014 |
Coherence in a dissipative two-level system
F Giraldi, F Petruccione
The European Physical Journal D 68 (6), 144
1 | 2014 |
Perturbative approach to Markovian open quantum systems
ACY Li, F Petruccione, J Koch
Scientific reports 4, 4887
47 | 2014 |
Quantum optical implementation of open quantum walks
I Sinayskiy, F Petruccione
International Journal of Quantum Information 12 (02), 1461010
9 | 2014 |
Quantum walks on graphs representing the firing patterns of a quantum neural network
M Schuld, I Sinayskiy, F Petruccione
Physical Review A 89 (3), 032333
25 | 2014 |
Open Quantum Walks with Noncommuting Jump Operators
RC Caballar, F Petruccione, I Sinayskiy
APS Meeting Abstracts
2014 | |
Perturbative approach to open circuit QED systems
ACY Li, F Petruccione, J Koch
APS Meeting Abstracts
2014 | |
Dynamical and thermodynamical control of Open Quantum Walks
F Petruccione, I Sinayskiy
APS Meeting Abstracts
2014 | |
Encoding mutually unbiased bases in orbital angular momentum for quantum key distribution
A Dudley, M Mafu, S Goyal, D Giovannini, M McLaren, T Konrad, …
Complex Light and Optical Forces VIII 8999, 89991I
1 | 2014 |
Control of dissipation of energy via reservoirs of coherent states
F Giraldi, F Petruccione
The European Physical Journal D 68 (2), 24
1 | 2014 |
Arbitrary spin in a spin bath: Exact dynamics and approximation techniques
V Semin, I Sinayskiy, F Petruccione
Physical Review A 89 (1), 012107
7 | 2014 |
Nonequilibrium thermal entanglement for simple qubit systems
I Sinayskiy, N Pumulo, F Petruccione
arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.2306
2 | 2014 |
Non-Markovianity criteria for open system dynamics
NL Gullo, I Sinayskiy, T Busch, F Petruccione
arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.1126
8 | 2014 |
Characterization of a Polarisation Based Entangled Photon Source
Y Ismail, AR Mirza, A Forbes, F Petruccione
African Review of Physics 9, 217-226
2014 |