Latest Past Events

Spring School on Theoretical and Computational Foundations of Quantum Technologies

ALPINE HEATH RESORT, DRAKENSBERG D119 Off Old Cavenberg Road, Jagersrust Northern Drakensberg, Bergville

Spring School on Theoretical and Computational Foundations of Quantum Technologies 24-28 October 2023, Alpine Heath Resort, Northern Drakensberg. Aim of the School: The School is aimed at postgraduate students in physics, mathematics, applied mathematics, and computer science interested in both theoretical and computational aspects of quantum technologies. In particular, the School aims to provide an

South African Quantum Technology Initiative Workshop 2023

Premier Resort Cutty Sark Green Lane Old Main Road, Scottburgh, 4180, Scottburgh

South African Quantum Technology Initiative Workshop  8-11 May 2023 Cutty Sark Hotel, Scottburgh, KZN Aim: The Workshop aims to bring all potential contributors to the development of Quantum Technology in South Africa, from Academia and industry, together to create interest, collaboration and business opportunities for quantum technology. The Three Flagships of SA QuTI: Quantum sensors

Spring School on Theoretical and Computational Foundations of Quantum Technologies

ALPINE HEATH RESORT, DRAKENSBERG D119 Off Old Cavenberg Road, Jagersrust Northern Drakensberg, Bergville

Spring School on Theoretical and Computational Foundations of Quantum Technologies 21-25 November 2022, Alpine Heath Resort, Northern Drakensberg.   Aim of the School: The School is aimed at postgraduate students in physics, mathematics, applied mathematics, and computer science interested in both theoretical and computational aspects of quantum technologies. In particular, the School aims to provide